Ahmia content warning: The indexed sites are running inside the Tor network and Ahmia.fi is not responsible for them. The administrator of this site (Ahmia.fi) cannot be held responsible for any actions of its users.

Beware when accessing Tor content

We cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here. We do not have anything to do with the actual Tor onion services.

Contact and reporting ***** *****

This site is fully compliant with the Law of Finland. The administrator is removing any links to ***** ***** content. Please 1. email us the exact URL of the content you suspect to be ***** *****, and 2. report anonymously to the Internet Watch Foundation..

Updated policy in October 2023: There is now a filtering of all *****ually related searchers due to the unfortunate massive distribution and search of ***** *****ual ***** on Tor. If the search contains these terms, then Ahmia.fi refuses to show the results. Instead, the search offers a link to a self-help programme. The self-help programme is primarily intended for people who are worried about their interests, thoughts, feelings, or actions concerning *****ren. For example, „*****“ is one of these filtered terms. As a result, Ahmia.fi is offering a link to a self-help programme: https://ahmia.fi/search/?q=***** In addition, Ahmia applies an automated text mining algorithm to remove possible links to ***** ***** from the search results.

Please contact Juha Nurmi, Ahmia Project Leader, at [email protected].

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